Montag, 9. Dezember 2019

Adventskalender, Türchen 9: Aus der Metropole Westfalens

(ms) Zum Montag ein kleiner Spezialbeitrag. Denn zum Einen hält Polly es mit der englischen Sprache besser und lieber als mit der Deutschen, denn ihre Muttersprache Slowenisch würden hier die wenigsten verstehen. Zum Anderen portraitiert sie uns die Band OUT, die in der Metropole Westfalens, also Münster, beheimatet ist. Wenn das nicht mal eine schöne Überraschung hinter dem neuen Türchen ist...

OUT of Münster

Guido - drums
Lukas – guitar, vocals
Matthias – bass
Romina – guitar, keyboards, vocals

Since I’m no musician and have no idea how to write about music, this is just one fan’s humble opinion about the band OUT.

This Münster-based band, which I guess plays kinda grungy, post-punk, alternative, new wave music, started in 2016. Guido and Lukas were joined by Matthias in September 2017 and Romina in January 2019.

During this short time, the band has progressed immensely, producing quality music in every step of the way. The first demos (titled, Demo 2016 and Demo 2017) show incredible potential, but the latest music (Demo 2019) fully shows the quality of the band. Romina’s soft, yet strong vocals in a combination with Lucas’ melancholic voice are the perfect combination for the songs. OUT’s music is fun, slightly reminiscent of Motorama, the melodies are catchy, even if not easy, making the listeners just wanting to sing along. As a live band, OUT are extremely enjoyable. They act like a steady unit, playing and working in harmony, and, what is perhaps most important, they give the impression that they like what they do and that they are having fun while doing it. As a fan, I enjoy what they’re doing too, and I am extremely excited to hear more from them.

Die Qualität der Lieder ist auf Bandkamp besser, aber so kann man sich das mal live vorstellen:

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